
oh ~ that is the choreography, JC Chasez those?



Tell you the Truth, so long....these Wallace human ever did in life.

Those 笑傲江湖 Not a day I breath, by the neck and ropes. I never, never, never....see there are the human existing inside any church groups activity, you mean those Sammy, Swiss, on how to unifying the human spirits, everyone are dead internal prayers? No IQ equip fallen ages, fallen body. The universal love, how encompass the entire humanity, but in facts, he loves the European Soccer are on my news right now. You seeing those people jumping back and forth far away. They are guys. The European are very very popular in those seat like that woka woka all Africa saying. Africa has a Leopoiz...the tiger close 豹子


You know what's the difference between tiger and lopoiz, and that black what I forget....Panther. How far my chair bench will ever be, or I under it never bother to get up. Those things looking long, very very very super heavy.

VERY heavy. Heavier than the Panda. 

Just thinking about it, I cannot breath.



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