
No, you don't say Time Stop. ~~~~ ๐Ÿ‡ Wait ! STOP! ๐Ÿ‡

When I had a situation back in 2017 Winter, my calculation were....I die, I tell, or I don't say a thing, I wait. 

That choice its in the beginning of one year, or the middle of the year like her own birthday. But those choices are very very very fine line. Either way, you as an American, as long as you putting an effort, you don't station there none moving to die, I think that is what they expect you to do. 

You didn't know where I was in August 2017? My brother' birthday. I am with Annca !!!! You had a sport Arena Event in Taipei International on the TV. That things are real. 

You had a BAZZAR magazine that month issues as my first magazine in my hand landing in bombs. Do you notice that was every single year I don't sleep?

I think I find out Oct or Nov. I was working on the ability to the Flower Thousand Bone I didn't finish in the beginning of 2017 Jan ended to that 5 Lords Reviews. You thought I have a lot of time. i have to work on that Flower Thousand Bone first.

All these VS material, I already file first in 2017, before I came out. On the Ipad, not necessary they really know. I already rehearsal like those Star War 1 and 2 and 3? 

We stuck inside internal Apple 2015. What can I do? Did I tell you we die? Because SMCH get on the TV in-frame I Ching effect. You technically putting every ropes on my necks. I cannot move, in case you didn't see what the TV did.


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