
Its Dennis. He has a lot a lot a lot issues starting long time ago. Looking like those National Archive near by those facebok ....points guard, or capital guard far away looking Egypt Black Plaque Ramses guard

You will be hand in 10 of those girls yourself inside every jail. What you ought to be doing. But then again, you argue, why they shouldn't be inside the jails, 1 against all. 

No, you don't need to come here, those girls you kill them by your per shot, training, or you still require to send them somewehre, if you don't wish to get accomopany with, meaning jailing them now when you can.

Understand? His name is Dennis B Orsini

Funny name really.....you don't know how funny this Movie saying Mr & Mrs Smith, he is the jobs? Well.....look at the belt underpants.

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