
盧葦叢? (錦衣之下) - It was still part of the same story I say before. Long time ago.


There are medicinal people in the crowd. They are similar to monks, but guys. Not the girl. This is a strange story.  (I see 39, 15 now)

You.....don't come with me, I told Wallace one time. When I going out. I go alone.

This TV meants, there is a monster or magical creature, unbearable pull people out of the camp and eat it. And the medicinal monks came out to the camp area to investigated.  (21:15)

These stories are close to what I say, but not quite I understand what it is. I stop here. They going to the grass area. Those are the medicinal one time had that one cases.

For me and Wallace relationship. He waits at the tree until I come back.

I go to the Nature myself, those are what you defined as the World of All Cohabitation with the eyes. You probably meant they are the animal Kingdom, but you name them as you seeing here on Earth. Its not limited to these small tiny things. Your seeing and defining. 

No, there is no horses.

It would be one of those small kinds, drag out and eat from the tent. Some whom camping in the wild. 

oh no....none of them going outside the temple gate door or entrance. I have set a boundary for saying that story clear. One of the whom might have the villege, meaning the people social skill, not the wild skils, will be her late German Husband. The 3rd that guy.

He has some background hearing, or learning, or mingling, or street wise to that ...certain knowledge he acquire before he enter to my crowd. 

She doesn't do anything of that. You wish that First Life, its this story.....she is similar to that square I already told you.

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