
I never asked, the UB. Youth whom getting married?

What do you usually do when you get married? None of us can get married not this point, but youth you all so prepared UB getting married?  My side, facebook..they really need this TV things if they ask me. They can keep getting married too, if they want.

But youth I prefer you all get on the stage, you UB have any submit lists? Relative, sibling?

Or Boyfriends introducing the girlfriend, dress normal show up? Like a normal dress. Music, light....seen this entire TV drama? We have a grand hotel near the Ice Skating Rink there. The Hallo Kitty Bus stop one time, when me and my mother get down. 

Taiwan, those Square human does photography like the Middleton. Her real career, not the gluten free. There is a Taiwan entire avenue on the wedding photo shoot, and dress I guess borrowing. 

Its just an itinerary on the Island. Adam & Hailey they just never require to ask God, that is why.  Some island in this world map, I tell you, its very small, meaning you drive them arrive both edge side. Not us. You will feel here is an entire country land, never imagine this is an island to you.That is how I will describe to you the real scenario.

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