
Anyone near that Signature, on the voice control.....last time Wallace Surgeon human on which episode I stop? Your Taipei Station !!!

聲音簽名的這一件事情,你們要幾個名字 + 我的上傳

The voice signature this one thing, you need a few time + me upload. 

Of course the talent counts? You don't have a machine to vibrate internal inside your body....but high tech where from?

當然才能比呀 ! 你們沒有機器內在震動那個音律身體,但是高科技從哪裡?

Normally you mean not to copy to each other, and the machine can detect, the first sheet on Earth?



Let me remind you something, most people watching the video are not nervous...watching you. Meaning watching me. On the first time, they want to know why this video coming from, you don't want to explain why you opening up your mouth, including the Title, or the description? Normally, they have no shame reading the title no matter how long those title supposes to be?

Its not exactly the Google Algorithm, It was I have too much to say? 









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