
American military (10 of them, 100,000 US dollar each, that is 1 million dollars)

Not every year. Your one person staff is not that salary even. Your president = 400,000 dollars per salary.

For now. I don't even know how much money coming in.

They are old, and they will die. I will put something behind you go to the future. You have interest to ran out that money. Meaning "Gold". You need to change that language to Gold for your American classify saying about the ET and the real bank exchange concept behind.

You have a reserved, every country has.

Here in Taiwan, you have this yearly annual memorable coin with horoscope. So what I can do is, your entire military that behind I settle some money for that coin gold. Next year will be rabbit. These coin you pass down, they will have value to sell. Its like your ebay or amazon. One of those. Half.com (its ebay now)

Technically I am not sure whom own them 10. Not sure. But I settle somewhat first. 

Maybe every 20 years, or 10 years....depends. 20 years to start. You imagine a lot of money. I say 100,000 per them, that is 1 million dollar out of my bank. To replenish the past, when things were watched, were documented, were hired, were educated. I also will find some books, you pass this to the future. The educational books. The children's literacy, the parable story, the legand the myth....all that.

So let's say I order 100 unit. That's it. I cannot keep buying all that. Your 100 units location will receive a box, these boxes are the things I passing down for their future to return. If the TV materials shows up again, you will have some supports its from the Past. That feeling is different. 

Every once a while, on the street, I find something, I just keep sending you boxes, and you go investigate and passing to the future. As the children's gifts, present, Christmas, Holloween. The story of the Atlantis. 

The known author in our time. 2000 years on.

Let's say I made some Art & Craft bottle, like those Eben's bottle for the sky. You keep there. Not 100 unit....just 10 each. Until their Lord back, until the New Day where their New direction be more evidence, their new Master. I told you that story long time ago.

Let's say what I can do also is, I find you all white t-shirt. There is a technology, in Taiwan very very popular, similar to the old time more advance ironing your cloth. Its a pattern you select on the wall. Like your iPhone, those external hard cases.

These White T-shirt, you select a pattern, they go behind the room, iron on it. You will have a pattern whichever you select as you weekend, or somewhere, you prefer to wear. Its in white.

Not everything in the cash or the gold. That has to calibrate by your entire Top bracket. You don't go sunk it the entire land for that.

Let's say I make a foundation side, very small foundation. The foundation by definition they give out the scholarship. Like those Local Buffalo, how I told you those are in the library. How you find your way to the College.

You go in the future to use that money, or unless you wish to make more money with those money currently. If you have a way to generate that money, I give you that foundation situation. You put that to the future. On their education, laziness, public hygenic, once again these entire lineage, if becoming 10.

You start to generating that money now. No, I don't touch those money. I input in it. 

Again, you have to map now not to sunk it yourself. 

See, the money in life, its per yearly you save, you input, you invest, so it generate for the rainy day. I do that too often....so I cannot give you once whatever you might imagine. I input little by little. You find that name you wish to label your foundation. You did everything behind, to passing down. You just tell me how much to start.

!0 of them represent the Future Humanity, that humanity has the family, has the holiday, has festivity, has cake, has decoration...someone always be with them.

At the future time on Earth.

They will not think of the scholarship, but their future learning one day might progress making a haste, why someone suggesting them one life, that one life they had one scholarship passing it down. Might be in Taiwan, in Italy, in Argentina, in England....

The educational sector. They might start to imagine to put a book other than their faces, to that one children's dental waiting area those simple things. Some parable, some children literacy, some stuffy animals. Some creative toy, how these toy were made. Or those American old time blood circulation TV cartoon. My time, I cannot ask the parents to buy for me. But at least you will have the money to buy for them.

Its in English in my time, I was a kingdom garden or first second grade.

I might give you a dozen case + 生理食鹽水 Each unit, x 10.

You take some, you use some. I leave 2 bottle for display, remember what was the past what we had.  The medical kit, the design, the label, the pattern. We have. Its cheap here. But you get to see a lot of the assort things. 

If I finish collecting, that is all you have. 

The medicine, the history, the children's literacy, the educational improving your brain toy for the children. You stack up something, that something fallen. The stationary. The Things I made with the plastic, shining and beas and sewing. 

Its whenever their New Master on top of them coming back to pick them up. They feeling they had all these things they are gifting away. To their New Path, and the New Future. No, they don't have to be in the Buddhism....but that tradition always been there, 1000 years, 2000 years, 5000 years on this Earth. Some one will remind you, you had a past.

Remember that 笑傲江湖 trailer on the 10 threads? They just didn't become that this life to becoming the TV.

I show you.





🍤🍕 Their Royal Chef guards are never their things. And they probably meant 10 of them the fast you disappear the better..... I put some Wallace works for them. Or I will ask them. 🍤🍕


Depends my this life how many publication, I will send you those compile things by each publication dates. You say 10 or 11? or JC that is 20?

Some Carpets,

Some Sariputra's mother's specialty.

To that every ashram one day.....you will remember there is a proper conduct to that every coming New Race, New affinity you sew your future to this proper conduct, there were things in that proper setting, you reverence in the color in the setting, you remember the past. That very very Far away gone Past. What once before.

I will give you now...if that is really 400 millions dollar coming down by per cases.

I give you 10 millions to start. To finding this past and the 40 years exactly the 40 years I was born, how you finding them and you use this money, in case the future. I supply more in each additional time. I don't get all the money, so that is goes by the time. I input the money for the future including......

"Any elites coming in"

Special circumstance other than 10 or 20.  To your TV monitor that corresponding to your classify material. I do those things. You want to set up whichever you can make the money, if you just input the money in it? You paying the annual tax, you hire the accountant to your favor including the lawyers, all that? I pay you one time additional to that, you set up all that 100,000 dollars for all these small tiny things you saying you like to do it yourself, you like to make the money yourself. The entire staffs bracket....that is not a lot of the money to share to each other.

You want to deduct now, before you hand me the money, if you already get ready all that. First 400 millions dollars, you do that. As if I paying my debts saying. 

Slovenia President Dr. Janez

You have stolen my past all those ebook Organic, before those human dying out? The Staffs I mean, you saying they are all President = Reptilian born.  I cannot speak English those e-book? There is a College Gravy on the name and cover. That is all I have right now. I don't have any other things. Just the Organic Chemistry books. That is your textbook, I draw one by one things in it. 

You probably have these animal train, 40 years stuffs?

The birds, the dogs, the wild, + the Environmental cleaning issues, the ocean, the stream, the river? Yeah accompany to that, do you say 400 millions? 

I give you 20 millions to start.

There are the military complex, your building to house my stuffs in it the room.

To the children's visiting each your selectee rooms. I have one room. (Like you accumulate my stuffs what I buy in the real sense, like Dr. Christopher herbes. Like my entire life anything I approximately every penny purchase, you collect them.)

That room.

That combination of the total to train and the future, I invest on the kids. Your military kids I just don't know how many complex are these rental fee. If I give you 1 millions, can you just generate that money, to supply your yearly on-going that room costs, and display or additional room? You just didn't say the printing paper money are my stationary print-out money. You use that 1 millions.

Classify, your vertical branch from 0 up to 50 that kinds. Not horizontal, you distribute that money including the Foreign country land, you cannot leave your home those Christmas, Holiday, you see ribbon or one extra bottle champinion like those 7-up.

50 millions dollars, that is 1 million dollar each, you don't see your paycheck, but something each of the horizontal small branch can receive some extra, might be donuts Christmas, Gift wrapping paper, the boxes without the toy inside, the Christmas tree new buy. Some stuffs to be happy about, things can be re-new. Not the personally you gonna feel it. Just at your gathering, a New Paint, the New Wall, the New floor, the carpet renew.

The new desk, the new chalk board.

Change anew thing. 

That is if you speaking really per term, my money coming it down. 400 millions by I file per order. You change one thing or 2 things new. Anew feeling.  The weight scale, you know how you barren foot to step on it? 

Wash the wall money, if you do, I wash it. 

Yeah, I want to donate that UB CAPEN basement floor, those ugly floor mat. Can you ask them, why they never change that foot step on it? Because no one lay on it to sleep that kind? Its that color too? No, I don't donate until you tell me if that is no money saying, or that is by design saying you don't sleep on the ground? 

That is a sheet. 

Very thin and dirty sheet. You called it the carpet !

I still get a lot of people still in around that UB. I will ask them if they change them?  If there is a reason. I only change the CADS wall, desk, bench, chair. All the computer and wires with that floor. You tear apart all that, make a new beginning.

For that Sailor Moon, if you doing it, or not doing it. Or that money has to coming down from which program? EOP, SSS, ACS.  How long that gonna take? Someone design a better situation that you fit that comic book the way the Educational field ought to be doing. You just decide as a committee, the same those UB above by now, having my every paycheck are name, ID, and label it was all inside the UB. whichever that branch to oversees the entire things to that one Sailor Moon 

For: encouraging the teaching methods, Youtube Channel creates, the invention and science major to more innovative school doctrine in place.

In whichever those words saying, you input to that Sailor Moon.  I personally will tell you they have no brain doing that eternity wise. But just to make them happy they start something new.

You tell me what you UB wish to do. I sign that check with those total cost, you break it down. The materials. The material you renew, the material re-purchase, the material you re-start, the material to decorate.

The staffs you hire them yourself.  You use your money on the State Budget.

I am there 4 years, to how many students are for my payroll because I take down more than average ...that sign up. I can tell you what I think of you eternity wise.  It never changed!

If I have capacity to get hired once to stay there 4 years, I can tell you, I can stay there eternity wise, you are the same every year walking in. Feeling better? That is every single year to eternity, you never understand that textook, and my textbook will always be 1+1 why it has to be 2 every morning, every afternoon, every night session including that organic chemistry textbook. You willing or not willing to touch it in that glass bookshelf. 

I might make it marble, that one bookshelf but the glasses to touch.

You feeling any motivation? You are the Past and deceased.....

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