
You sure?! 你們確定?

台北那其實是我阿公的照片,蔣中正的旁邊!這個遊戲叫做惡勢力... 現在是換我坐哪個壞人的位置呢? 反正你們好像沒有人在做應該做的事情!   股東叫做董事會,一定是那種 1 + 1在 ET 之後是不是一定是 等於 2!!!  我只會搬指頭的算術,看我其他數學到底會不會你們的記憶只有多少 ? 19歲!  Sweet seventeen ! 

Taipei in fact that is my grandpa's photo (my mother's side.) That General Next by 1911. This game is called the Evil forces....that right now its me replacing the position? After all, none of you seem to be doing exactly what meant to be done. The stock options or that committee, must be those 1+1 after ET shows up will ever become 2 !! I only know how to benting my fingers how to count on math, see if your memory lasting? 19 years old ~Sweet Seventeen!



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