
When I tell you, you are white race, that needs love. You start this MD psychiatry, or police facebook. Including your perfect parents+sibing

You know exactly what your perfect life ought to be, some weekend you get mad, you might tell Police the way you are. You do not have those out date book says spiritual here you claim just per Sunday, one life 80 years x52, how many church bench here you go Christmas?

And that right or wrong there is no difference…it’s just near by those most handsome man you will find out for my right and exclusive only loyalty lay in front of me, you will have a perfect you say life. I help you. You have a perfect big mouth life, meaning you agree you are God, you agree that’s your will. In the end of life, that veil will be open. 

People shut off Apple or IPhone so they privacy Vola together…I am not mortal, you see…bugs, airs, wind, trees, flower….birds are my friends. When I tell you I had an audition high school music which song, how high the sigma tree…you suppose to listen every word.

You graduate from school, you have a written note GPA, you get a job so you are literate!

Congratulation, life meant to be fun, never bow, kneel, flat. 

How I meant it everything it’s unconditional you are happy 10 x nothing but romance in and out per weekend, reckless drive. Common in laws to spell strategic…I am the only friend stands by. Just like that Prince Prince, it’s everything he says he wish to do, you do see perfect. I thought I did a fantastic job.

I meant Well. 

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