
If I am a guy.....(yesterday same crayfish video)


You girls should never put a food inside your mouth. Liquid inside outside for washing until when your physical body how come everything is enclose inside. Just like your tiny mind, not tiny Head. 

If you eating a synthetical snacks like those I showing you the waffle stick, at least you telling me, you had tiny literacy from whichever planets buttom of dweller coming from. 

One day if I becoming a guy.....a regain strength, and a physical structure.

Its everything wrong you input, at the food, or at the snack, on the snack, or just that raw...things you eat don't high tech purified, there is a high volumn water not just gun to turn that things every strip clean.

You shouldn't be putting any solid, physical nature food inside your mouth, if I were you.

Every food you swallowing it down, you have to take it out from anal, or pee......Even without eating, I still have how long this keep going washing inside and outside. The liquids or the water. You never gone through this, never stop washing, drinking, peeing.....You don't smell yourself or toilet, you suppose to be doing nothing but soaked inside the water.

How about we do a scale of the periods things. You all women regular period

Two side the regular pad size

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That looks normal?

I copy and paste


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Then they become a little more normal

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My width might thinner half, yours, I don't know how far up or down extent far or width too.

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