
I think your entire England didn't mean how they end up in a Nibiru to end up at the Sun Binary Star are important, its your Entire England TV...you mean you have TV channel that is England local TV production, those TV? Are not sort?

BBC is that your England TV, oh !!! 他們英國是不是有人群住在上面,說好像不是他們王子跑到另外一個太陽的雙子星重要,是他們當地有電視還是搖滾唱歌的,人事物,都沒有人處理 ~~

Adam Levine, oh ~ you mean the England local has the singer, those kinds? Your England pound went...so off then 30 years ago, off EU? So do you still have human inside England, those less population statistic, too expensive to offspring?

The rock star, like Adam Levine. What does that mean? He is an American same name with Keanu in Chinese= Levine.

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