
I fix that period things, did I tell you ? The girl's pelvic bones, are the worsen things there, not just the smell, you have to air dry, just every chance you got?!

The girls immune system are weaker too. That is a hole, like a belly buttom, so their design of the underwear are difference?

Do you dry yourself with the towel? Those urine has a smell, so the technology in Asia has a toilet made to wash the butt, behind and front. That is not in America, my brother only has the cold water connected. 

The guys they are dirty starting on their beard.

You girls as the public display icon, you seeing yourself, no matter what. Has a better clothing outlet.....you have to change that mentality a bit. You make money once, on juicing the entire protocol once.

You keep eating your weight down your health. People suffered in the old age.

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