
๐Ÿ’– Harvard needs a look?! ๐Ÿ’–

oh ~ you mean like in the Interview how to becoming a Self Portrait, one of those? How everyone else missing just not they themselves....for real.

Does Harvard has a music degree? Not Julia? 

Harvard Music Department, I saw.


You know what is a music major supposes to be doing? Creating a music, and compose it, and putting into the right sequence, front or back, or in-between to sound melody to the audience. By some intuitive sense or the artistic sense. That is what the real music human does.

I am more in the material science, I just didn't make that high score to really can say it. My neighbors, they were Harvard. Asian brother-sister married Harvard, the entire offersprings.


Princess Diary Attic. That is 9th.

It was 7th+8th were Harvard. They sold it to us when I was 6th grade.

The way they set up for me, was not for me to taken one single day stress how we end up here today. Not in talking, not in living, not in making money, not in ambition, not in aggression. I may not even require to talk in vocal skills, let alone to say singing the world fallen aparts....would be your high tech one day.

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