
你們知道為什麼比較多的理工科是男孩子? Do you know why those engineering or Science field are mostly guys?

因為那個叫做邏輯思考 Because that is called the logic reasoning.

我可以說我覺得美國我自己同學他們藏在後面幹嘛了~我台灣沒有聯絡其實! I can tell you what I think those my American friends what do they do~~my Taiwan worlds is not really there from before.

尤其是女的,你們確定你們要跟他們一樣嗎 ? Especially the girls, do you want to be like them?

在這種法律訴訟叫做要求不是民主的世代,那是不可能的,沒有人會跟你玩遊戲,沒有就是沒有! 你自己的義務就是賺錢~! 但是男孩子自己在寫訴訟的同時,會至少有點用腦袋會怎麼有個邏輯思考 + 動作行為 + 溫文儒雅,不是我尊上演邪惡一個滿慈子叫做『無比的慈藹!』。

你們可以花很多時間叫做挑戰民主世界的權限,跟制度下的自己不再年輕的現實,因為所謂真正的訴訟程序可以是很久很久很久 ...我聽說過,所以我知道,有些訴訟是要有理由叫做工作之前,我現在只是講一點,我其實沒有硬擺的什麼,是你們欠我的 ...如果你們只是就根據這供中講的某些事情叫做,現在馬上行動,正確的分析那個電視電影,你們就不需要花在賭博自己 下面到底你們以為幾個訴訟程序是關於? 到底你們有什麼權利呢? 要不要問我一下 ....美國那群女的自己在幻想! 

In this lawful worlds, where the procedure to do under the democracy World, Era, how these prosecution periods, that is impossible, anyone playing you a game, no is no! Your obligation is to make your own money~ ! but when the guys are writing their own law statement, at least sometimes in their brain, they use their head space how to run that logic saying + action/ behavior polish + soften your voice or your tuition will not be paid? Not me Honorable Superior that Purna is full of kindness, "Unlimited short kind peaceful", I acting as the evil side.

You can spend a lot a lot time to challenge the democracy World Domain or Jurisdiction, and that system no more your youth year reality. Because in the real prosecution period, might be very very very long time, looooooong time. At least I have heard that. So I know, these prosecure you need to have a reason, you work as a job before, now I talk about it a little bit, I didn't mean to hard case myself to what insist this or that, as if they owning to me....If you just go bay the base not to gambling yourself what is the later one your imagination the prosecution process, its about?  How much right do you have? Do you want to ask me.....Those American girls are in their own head imagination.

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