
Devil Wears Prada, she called her Andy as Andrea? And Jimmy Carter’s is not the shoes it’s eating carb?

 Wa hahahaha….that’s what those girls gang up each other? 39th President !! United States.

She is too tall. That kinda of height. When you are too tall, that skeleton weight it’s very very heavy, the guys actually might know just that, the skeleton weight. Your head hit another guys head. 

James halt? CNN again? Looks like Tamang. I will personally tell you, when a girl super tall in front of you, you will feel very very uncomfortablely. It’s a threatening feeling. I knew.

Guys have 1 million reason he gets rid of you, seriously. They are all like that. 

When I used to work in SMTV, one of their Sunday program it’s “Breatharian”. That has air many timed, maybe they never talk about the food expense. It’s a cost. In America super high, you come to Asian it’s cheaper. 

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