
You never gone to the legal process how the jailing process take places 6+1 MD. You go to your local court first, or your police will detain you, you never seen the entire human only lives on the uniform. You will be afraid. Those are not the white robes.

Inside the detain center, you might spend the night. Whatever you take with you that leave, that is all you got. Get a jacket or a scarf, some personal washing bags, lotion....or your favorite towel, Johnson baby oil for your throat.

And then, from that detain place inside the police station or wherever they sent you, you will transfer to the local court. There you will meet the judge.

Some judges just as ugly as they ever look to you. Every single one of them. They are the public servant, you want to call them maid now? As fat as you ever imagine....

Til the day when you will see me as a judge, that is "Many years have pass, I still remember your face."

You never live your life, so you never sympathesize anyone whom family or they themselves traveling aboard to meet....every single one of you on the field to imagine 20 years down the road, you all imagine you got a piece of useless MD paper. Sent to jail.

You will be jailing alone inside your own country, exactly how your passport saying your parents live ever after without you, for the rest of their life. As long as you struggle everyday that one extra 2 week checks, its every penny count.

What you strife to the court, as that sense, it would be when you lose your parents that day on, you wish you had that piece of paper the first day when you mend things right, not the years down the road you pretend.

And maybe one of you or whom already been jailed to that process......as you all trumpet, to that simple phrase. Take a baby oil with you on your throat, for that few nights, you will remember that feeling. What you seeing, its not what I Anna knowing.

You trying to hurt....might be the very disable people whom just have the feeling like you. Their entire life has no freedom, just to raise people like you.


To that one day, many decades, thousand years pass.....

You will remember today. That one thing you should have done it earlier. Always do the right things you ought to be doing. And that jailing time, to the court room, you will be told what you done wrong from 1 to 1 millions, very unprofessionally. 

Its a real legal process, no one bias, everyone file their paper as they are set in order. And this would not be the first time, someone has done this, whom you imagine the classmate with whom....they also have the right. Some might be younger than you are, some might be just exactly your same age. Some might just blameless....just happened to be like one of you.

Inside their own country jail, you will never find out, whom they are, what they are, how they feeling are. And those, are not like you.

You mean the fairness, how everyone sent to jailing nature. 

The Day you will Never find out. 

Each of your parents are taken them certain military personel, ready to go home. There might be new or old people including your facebook. Sorry, young or old, however long taking you inside the jail til the day your parents passing away. 

No, they would not do anything ilegal, if you just go home helping your parents to land where they ought to be, with .....all these back-end people. Sometimes you don't really know why they end up in Buffalo, New York, do you?  

One comet crisis, you never done anything.

Jonathon would be the kicking his feet up dragging out, or already was? Both him and Wing. That lost of the years, the time, the situation would be soon another a couple years to be. These jailing sentence time are exactly meant it.......as long as you ever wanted, to be on the street in the foreign land, you wish those police force or the survillence people were train by Anna the next 20 years down the road.

Would be the only domination forces to eliminate all crimes, so even if you go alone one human on the street to sleep on...shatter, or the garbage bins. You know it it will be safe.

The legal process trial, will take a several measurement, its the only time you seeing the Judge to speak your term, other than someone insulting your face, while everyone else has a job on leash, to get the 20 years mistakes never ending things that sprung on the television, including your local television station.

These responsibilities, you never taken that one pieces of MD paper to submit your own mistakes, so that you delay everyone's time in process everything in your imagination to fame on a comic books, hurting, not just me Anna feeling, its everyone else cannot do their jobs and in fear, what you imagine you are doing.

You knew exactly how you hurting everyone.

You knew exactly how the liberation freedom right spelling. You will be outside the United States, and that America will sue you at your local court, however they done this years after years with a system, that they never fail.

What that Harry Potter Dark Lords stories,......you justified, to the wrong exactly things, how the domination forces, will always taken people one by one down, how you be kicking your feet every time out of the door by the uniform people. You never seen that many uniform people before.

That day, you will be frighten. 

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