
You mean whom are the real Silver Millenium? That kinds of? There is a Golden, Silver, Iron, Brozone? 你們是要說誰是真正的那個希臘神話? 金銀銅鐵? 銀色魔幻銀水晶那種東西?

oh ~ 

Do you want to ask me first, in case I have the Bible seating right on given you some legal kind advice? 你們有沒有想過問我,如果我有聖經的優先權叫做給予你們,一種合法善良的建議? 

Is this anything to do with the money, the guys on wedding?


I used to think you kidnap the guys, but you mean a real feeling a guy for you? The real Love? Not kidnapping even? Love you the way you are? 

我以前以為你們是要綁架這個男孩子,但是你們意思是說一個真誠的感覺這個南孩子給你們? 珍愛? 不是綁架? 愛你是因為你是你自己?

How long? 多久? 


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