
You girls need to stop eating and drinking this. For me, it was not the reason how I becoming today. I am not feeling well, bad breath with another guy. But if you translate to the merits, they eat all the food. That even if the Court given me all my money back, I still be that....washing human, no food or drink that much.

You are American, your entire world has nothing but Judgemental just like your Bible meant it, and say it, and defined it....so it becomes a belief system buttom to Top.

You girls need to Stop Stop Stop Stop eating and drinking all this....sugar, or salt, or fried.

Sugar will make pimpo, one of those cookie. I tested it. The bug will bite you, right now they bite me to put the patch on. But It will show on your face. Its the second time or third time. I gonna throw all this junks out. what 6 cookies....You cannot eat that many cookies or pastry or what.

Your entire system to saying, one day if ....your IQ involve, your temple of God you evolve to interfere your periodic cycle karma, meaning your periods. Its by your will you capable to change that. For me, that is just by protocol, you learn and grow. You meant, you conquer Death, you transcending to becoming the fairy....really. oh My God.

Can you listen something like just kneel at it....STop STOPSTOP eating and drinking this!



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