
When I was in the UB undergraduate, I never imagine the accountant or the bank industry....but if you telling me what I remember, there are other girls I met, she is an accountant major. And I don't remember my economic class, what is that Japanese guy's major. My roommate was a master degree in economic.....

... you know, in science, I can very very sure what is when I was working to see their lab results. Being Manuel is one things.

When I telling you those busy time, I didn't paying attention to anything involve math at the money sign....well, I didn't know I have a bank issues, or anything added up issues. People don't have the head space on the monthly payment, for sure I only care about my works.

You know why I telling you +1 situation to that I breaking it down on the video on those 1908 maths? Because technically, anyone to get through that Washington D.C.....

It means, they all individual did was per line drawing including the Washington D.C. No matter how long the future time span, this one methods will never stop using it.

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