
When I was fasting...that nick makes a lot of choices, that he will stay on eating, Pasta, bread, and especially his born Italian Callibrazo bread. He loves all those stuffs, from those immigrant wherever he is from. Those pasta, those potato things.

He needs to put the food inside his mouth.

I can see that. So I understand you actually needs to sit on the table seeing 4 human, tea, bubble, fried food, tempura....like I was 20 years ago seeing that tempura things, they fried very nicely in America Japanese restaurant. 

You have an urge inside you, if you don't put a food inside your mouth, you die on it. 

Seriously. You feel safe if its your farmilar foods, like the pizza, like the fries, like the hot dogs, or Nacho, or something Chinese take out, or Jewish Koshi muffin, or potato wadges, or something Fried chicken. And it has to be 3 times feeding, for some reason you will feel dying on it. Without anything....

Nick at least fruits in the morning or juices. Or he will go on his own weight program without telling me. He succeed so he told me, but he usually staying on eating  Kales, green veggies, its inside the mouth, everyone will feel much better. 

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