How sweet....
They live in the Elicott, I just went with them to eat in their dining hall only. I didn't do anything with them. They don't remember where they live at...really. I did....I drive them. I am older than they are, supposed....I know every road and route inside out, outside in....sometimes you can just walk to their apartment, they didn't invite me, I know their housing plan structure....I think Lee lives off campus. He lives in his lab, and his housing plan.
I live in the South campus, then move up?!
Right now, I just shift...shipping to the left side, Amherst its where the same zip code 14226, you know?!
They didn't know anything about that school....I am?!
SA probably its not the only place they running a carnival, including that Lee was in an carnival, Sailor Moon? He didn't know he was joining funny.
You have to ask Lee, if that is SA carnival?
Usually APO saying those carnival things would be Tom, or someone passing saying that.
Dean and Silas are UB RA. If you asking them, every wall, you could asking me I walking in those Dean's walking, but he probably didn't pay attention where he lives at, can you imagine that? They are both RA? Residence assistant, meaning Dorm?
Dormitory. I know how to spelling dome?
Those are not PCAT vocabulary, those are daily conversational?
You know how Elicott design just looks like those Harry Potter Castle. Ola was living in one arm, I bet Seth might be another.
But Mike and APO those human drive those forest road, meaning near those grave yard...Harry Potter at. That is how I know some road sometimes. They drive first...they are older. Can you tell me how come Mike becomes a cat, or Chinese spy, one of those things?
When APO suppose to be the normal human, they working at one office near the Millersport highway, that is where my housing plan sending up passing by....they are on the left. That small tiny corner plaza, it was my Dr. Riley eye doctor I seen. They walking towards the plaza on the Sheridan, that is exactly the same all offices at, right across the enterprise.
How sweet.
But then, that is supposed to be your UB bus line, you know, no one but the student can use that route....they change that.
You know how funny that is...Erin didn't live too far away from Wing. She was on her landlord, my basil owner one summer. My entire California Basil seeds, in garbage desposal container I divide to 100...pots, one of those? He had a yard, those broken drive way, ....Wing's back end. One road to bailey, its parallel to sheridan and maple. Its just a small road.
Me and Erin often gone to the Thai restaurant across Wing, at the church side Ola gone to, the end of the brick road down Niagara Fall. They used to have a smaller Chinese store there. the same side that Thai restaurant.
Is Wing active, or they are all sent to jail?
I didn't know geography department require the 3D orientation in the local traffic sign, but I only be suspending in several location, I breathing and living it for a very long time by memory?
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