
UB girls on your MCAT or GPA, you are actually imagine a guy receiving your failing grades to be …romantically evolve?

巧茹 used to be fat…on the bus, me home. From my high school….



Is Lobster from the sea? Yeah, the Chinese name is Dragon Shrimp, a type of shrimp.



The vegan crowd, or vegetarian has those crab meat, they are the mock meat, exactly the same looking, the Asian have those meat crabs, as the strips, they sell in....the other day I saw it. At those 101, or breeze mall, or 新光三越 they have those Mia C'Bon, looking like high end shopping/grocery Fargo like Canada. Its in the freezer session, they selling the fish too, in those big freezer. Is that A 13? or ....next by Apple, the Tesla, that one, I think. Which one I seen I don't remember, might be a newer one too. Behind Apple? Its a brand new freezer session. 

I don't really like the salty sauces, you probably have more other options in America.

Sometimes when you seeing things like this.....you really wonder.....side by side.

he raise up his hands.




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