
These are not you all 40 years old to be women, saying you were the main girl inside that Korean Drama, so this guy suppoes to be the Korean younger guy? You meant heir faces never gets old, that kinds? 所以他們覺得她們自己是女主角的意思? 40 歲?

By now, when did I met this guy Mother's yard, he was 23 in 2018. It will be 2023. That is 4 or 5 years saying, he is 27 years old by now? 

So it is about the drama? The Korean Soap opera?

So these model will be your enemy? I thought you girls, no, you women like the girls better?

If they answer you like a regular human talking in English?

Look at this.....brand new things on my TV. Someone has to fix my blog, or I delete this Microsoft brand new browswer included to saying, the rest of the stuffs disappeared?

Every time I start a new blogger, it always started the IT department, have you notice?  I am so tired of being technical....really.

What is the final count down means? What year is this?

2023 soon to be. Why don't you say, our next 16 years future destiny ready to be set on this Metro New Mayor, the Taipei Mayor is this things human sittiing on Top. Where is City Mayor suppose to be offices at? Not that City Hall next by the convention center next by 101?

oh So that MD surgeon, the current W Two World Taipei Mayor....oh ~ its the same major position that is why he was talking on the stage?  Did he takes the metro home, at the blue lines, or red line? He walks? The blue line is where the City Hall at.

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