
The Physics department, I was not....very fond at? They are the material science department core.

You study any physics?

I told you, we are at 21th century, they shouldn't have any problem of this BTX since away from 1900 science = 20th century. Meaning.....right now they cannot be anywhere other than inside their offices to ensure, that every textbook they read about 100 times, are the exactly correct formula and saying and description.

Technically Physics and Chemistry using the same Periodic Table Chart. Everyone knew that....

Biology has a dogma, and a condon chart. It was not supposed to becoming a biology periodic chart, we cannot open it right now...on BTX 鋼鐵神兵 remember? The first episode, up to year 2020. I thought i made that clear on the DNA artarian youtube channel.

Remember last time that Sailor Moon division on the Saturn and my spitting blood on the Television? So...you want go to CERN EU that way, they are BUSY?


Sailor Pluto, CERN

Sailor Neptune, Me = Biology Periodic Table Chart

Sailor Urans, Lee = ATP

Sailor Saturn, Out of the body experience, = AXE and Flower Thousand Bone (2015) 反噬, an internal trigger from that girl, so her Master spit blood from his internal, when she forcing Outward movement?  That time I was saying 5 Lords reviews, she doesn't want whom don't be dead? I return that, I spit blood?


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