
The birds, wants all of your faces UB, starting Wing, see them at the court. Jail in the end.


Its by the bloodline, not by the Movie or TV, so in the reality....Your parents have to be a thing to start with, including the real asset always had, including their parents.  Ivy League.

Everything else does not count. 

The birds say what you think. They wish to know what you all UB think. Inside your head, before they coming forward.  

The birds say, what you think about yourself doing all your works loads this far, how much you really get it done, what you really good at. Exactly good at.  

If they are on trial and dead by your means, you willing to accept the consequence?

What do you think, between the boys/adolescence, you remembered? 

What do you think, if were true, all these things stand on trial, every single account, you will be remembered?

They say you can do it now, or wait til the old age, dead, and you still doing the same thing, seeing the same movies everywhere account you didn't say amount like Anna says.

Do you want a challenge?

Not by us.

Do you Wing and Ola smoke in your life? In the car, ever? Cannot find the cigerate ash in the car, in one hand driving?  I Anna asking you both that, not the birds.

The birds say, they want to know certain thing. How the World loads to you, Wing means.

Wing, why the birds have the tears inside their eyes, where is your name coming from?


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