
亞斯 Telling me a lot of things. England....Eben + those junks including nicks those junks....human. Hi!


You know how this per household statistic share, I knock on your door, you answer a survey?

Its by....survey. Normally its your IRS tax ID number, but there is a population statistic household survey. Everyone knows that.

We do per household chop off each one of you in hell. You don't need to answer the door, in fact, you want the lamb's blood on the forehead of your door rims? 

It will sounds very biblical stories. 

You like your boiling water kettle? Upside down, a GE logo made? Some are.

Utility company its only electrocity, GE

Solar Panel, Elon Musk

Paypel, was him or still him?

Telephone pole, its the same electrocity pole.

Internet its separate, but someone will come near to activiate your package.

Like t-mobile? That is a cell phone like ATT Towel

You see, Ancient has a great way of very Old and terrible AI.

Ai design will always gear towards how the AI talking to next by AI, and guess which this supposed to targeting AI, is near by which neighboring next quadrain of the universe AI? 

ㄍBeleiving thaBㄍㄠ

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