
So....if I look back from 台灣的這種新聞我看到的狀態 (就是你們女孩子一直都在找浪漫? 真的? 那我是不是看錯這美少女戰士故事...等一下!)

Wait.... it just reveals to me today. So, I have to go back and look at this Sailor Moon.

The way how I seeing the Taiwan news, you mean, you girl never given up on Romance, you mean a guy? The Sailor Moon story, how to be princess? So you all intuitive meant, that is 10 people fighting on which seat spot? 

Like 大風吹? Its a Local Tawian Unity, Social School Clubs games. Children's format. 

You mean you all girls seat spot in those Sailor Moon positions are not fix? And whom are the Earth Prince? Fang or Dennis?

Certainly not Pete.

So the real court paper, how you really wished, or thought of.....it will always be on love? So they suffer a lot then, those England wife, not Prince?

You cannot just be with one guy....you need the outting with the girlfriends, with the guy's friends, with the parents, with the others family. Not just attending one guy with all the kids you born them?

所以其實是我在 illuded myself? 所以其實是我在幻想

so in fact, its always been me to imagine thing? I always be illuded?

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