
My Youtube Cpanel says, your Finance situation like 2 weeks notice.

I personally telling you before. You can have some money in the bank, and go on homeless...that means without the debts. But when you seeing the homeless people, you never think they have debts in front?

Until Now, I realize, if you losing everything, it means you lost your passport, your social security cards, your all documents cabins for saying you are homeless? Your bank interests are still going up on your anything borrowing on that credit cards you saying debts on it.

Those interest will not vanish.

I always think of me, so I never think the homeless people are those in debts, and no money the first day on. When I Anna if becoming the homeless, at least I can last 3 months on the food, no debts, no interests? Just spending the money? I thought, that is everyone notices on all of your homeless situation like me.

It just a matter finding a place to rest few mins, my physical body cannot take all that? Matrix?

Or at night to sleep?!

Your debts will not disappear if you lost your entire paper works. Your bank will not stop those interests.

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