
印度五百歲也有回來 Indian 500 years old also came back

曾經,你聽過哪一句的廢話嗎? Once, when had you listen to one word I say?

Long long long long time ago, the Age of mine and where you had tiny lean time, it was like that Flower Thousand Bone the beginning, there is a entry point you got bounce back. At those Age, different each nation are like today, but each has their own superstitious, and that was those were their faith about mountain, river, stream, the Sun.

What you have today it’s called UN or EU or American.

Those time people doing things to each other. On the nation level, not you small tiny 10 having a life called begging a bowl life try to say your notes from you words to this moutain down household wearing the formal cloth exactly like 一修和尚, in that cartoon.

There is a general, there is a guard. It’s everything you listen about the 1000th times, you don’t listen.

You are not important. 

According to me related this one account to you how I had to work 2015 whole year, without the public, you in public did what?

When the King of King was born, you had a reference, there is no more noise after or before.  The noise of Earthquake, the noise from the natural disaster, the noise people passing on…the noise where you can identify road all around. Without that reference, you are completely blind for in each and every darkness, you cannot hear, you cannot know, you cannot move in.


The civilization shrink in, the entire humanity shrink in, you cannot be happy because it’s very very dangerous. 

On those national level, there are another superstitious, it will be about the Buddhism came about. That one thing, the TV saying to you very small aspect, called 6 Realm seed, how you sewing that down 六界種子

You imagine a blah on the mouthful foul Jobs, just a story telling you feel each and every shameful stuffs. The outfit, the make-up, seat right up, look straight, look right, everything bothers you….at those time just like today, you didn’t care my belief, you didn’t care about nothing God. You didn’t change a bit, did I say that over and over and over?

The Buddhism concept it’s called the Dharma meaning the life responsibility. Meaning everything in that world. Imagine ….whom and what and how human in each and every entry of which what world, that these whom shows up people will never be at your front, you understand? including the Queen nor your Indian 500 years old.

You didn’t know each other, you didn’t have to feel the sentimental parts.

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