
If you all girls understand all these big money guys are nothing but mortal, there is nothing to prevent them....for becoming.....you would have determined one thing ever in your own life. You holding up your own body, your hand, your bed, your breath, no matter how dead you will be dead....there is no game, no play....understand?

If you train yourself, that those basic understand all guys are mortal. Dead before 80. Many are shorter than the girls.....you make your own money, you clean your own house, you know every equipment set in the house, you be independent to your car, you talk to each and every telephone ending...

How to sort your bill

Phone Bill, utility bill, insurance, car insurance

Mortgage payment, your jobs boss networking communication

Talking to MD, talking to psychatry, you know you only get strong on your own in life, no matter what.

Guys crying its they ought to be. Before you are middle school, you just didn't assort exaclty the same, you will be crying all the way, not each day will regress what you are, you pretend be, you are nothing but a sissy human. 

Your attitude suppose to grow stronger than your parents, and be capable to seeing yourself, you are living in a perfect world on Earth. They really given you girls everything as long as you saying you wish to be independent.

Currently worlds even lasting this 15 years internet, you could just one person to fix up your attention, you want nothing but God.

You want to be exactly what it means to be one person solely going to bathroom yourself, going to musement park alone if needed to, or going to Barns & Nobles, you will even have a problem stand there in front of it, as if something.....about you have a problem going in a big and shining bright light places...if those drinking down bar are so pleasing to you.

Its darkenly night, to haunt, its all the internal fixing points, on blood.

All that known to yo, how ends, becoming the magic to swirl?

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