
I thought me and Zawanna agrees one things we don't fight about, was he doesn't like the cookies sugar chocolate things. I had them before.....I went to that bakery one cookie. taste so bad, so expensive too.....one cookie, bigger size. American at least selling that wal-mart whole boxes of it.

Even the Feel Rites has more chocolate, more biggers in one package, more expensive.

In America, becasue the way how you all living far apart each other and the winter so cold, some starch, some sugar, so little people....you storage the food or some body fat. Even that time I know that.

Now I am at home, here have nothing but the human faces, belows they are all the food, other than the sugar, or the cookies?

I hate this things, becoming my worse nightmare, bad mood.....none stop. You can eat dragon shrimp, or King of King Crabs, you have to go and eating sugar cookies?

When I get like that I sabbotage myself, don't want to get out.....so mad. Inside my office chair.

What dates is today?

Holloween its Oct 31th? Those are the candies Pepper supposes to get, or Leo, those Charm American House? Its in A8, they are on special!

The candy are not the cookies?

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