
I know you as a girl, you will think. The guy may not necessary think, or they do think of some other things.

This comic books, Sailor Moon.....you want to just be open and talking to the guys right now, whichever that guy, about...anything beyond any subjects, opening your mouth and lay down your ego and ask?

You finish it now. 

This guys will never imagine you thought of what....To these more UB kinds of guys, it will never occur to them what you are mistaken from all those internet, or high school sweet heart magazine....whichever in your Era.

Then one day we open this Sailor Moon.

If you openly discuss, like you never have a conversation laying down your own attitude to speak to a guy, on every subject to every details things, including the teeth health, or bites....

You probably thinking all those eating arts are great looking ASMR.


Anna used to tell you about 30 years ago, you suppose to deliver them every single item as she is the Honorable Superior.

Bowl, Kneel, flat.....if you starting it now. It might serve you some goods. Not plotting 30 years. The guys internal.....you just never trying to live up as a guy, to imagine what things in the worlds and options ought to be to sound like the real person beside the Line.



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