
I can tell you your draw back from the Md persepctive I sign?

MD Comment: My elementary was a Japan fat lady, looks like that Harry Potter, private very expensive in the sun, not to pee restrain to as long as the speakers don't show up.

2) Your air momentum on the ice.....just as bad as you stepping on it. You don't know where its your limbs, that is how I will professional telling you, which nerve you step, which pain you called quit and stop. 

3) Ice are cold air, its a confine space.

4) Wild world, wildness survival 野外求生 there is one ingredient I keep telling you. Wind.

When you will listen at all, when I becoming a MD?

Your hydration water level, to that you know what is the body made of? The blood vessel everywhere nothing but the hydration to your own skin cares, one of those superficiality reasons. 

You know how the MD suppose to say? Love the way you are......never will be.


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