
How you bump into each other? 你們怎麼撞彼此 (The Calendar Dates)

If you go by the months....you will probably not bump into each other. 

Like you say Whole year 2017 were the Hunger Game 74th Annual Hunger Game, and President Snow at Jan 1st opening ceremony, then you will never bump into each other on that Flower Thousand Bone.

I told you, I didn't know the script in 2017 Oct/ Nov. When I found out, I was already late. And I have to wait.....I got stuck in too many things in front of me that time. 

How does the scenario to become +1 years situation?

Let's say Flower Thousand Bone was the summer 2015, then to the Summer of 2018, that is 3 years.

If you saying it was Jan 2015, the Flower Thousand Bone, you +1

Backwards? Its the same things, you see he has a pen? ) ) ) The Silicon Valley guy


2018 August 


2017 August


2016 August  


2015 August


The good things about the calendar, its it will never change, its unit per yearly 12 months, you can just omit that. Its all the same year, no matter how they test you, they cannot test you on that. I guarantee you. 


But maybe you should have your mind like 3D pulling up that buttom line





You want to do the backwards this way. 

This will looks better, no one lost the tracks of the time it will ALWAYS forward?


 Maybe more of





That will be the nearest, I can see, that is your calendar 2018 year.





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