
Ghost Study (鬼) I need you all to find a Chinese translator. But I use most of the description term in english ( 厲鬼、hysterical 謝斯底裡的鬼)

In this universe. Do you still have the ET Blue Box tapes? What does he says?

Objective Universe?

Can you get those I say keyboard Youtuber, highlighting, flashing.....mild purple, pink, and you put that in the really dark room.

合成 how do you say this....

Are those rubber, or some kinds of the texture, looks like those keyboards.

Spider shape, not our spider, more like cartoon....but they are all connected, 金角龜

loads like per column or row

There is a castle

There is a Tree

These are the places, where you called Hell.

Eben and 滴妹 once their human form leaves the world, they will be ship closing eyes, laying there, like those cargo belt, ...roller you ever seen the UPS...no, kinda like Airport those, but narrow...and that body will be quietly wishing them peaceful leaving. 

There is no music, there is no sound, there is no chaos, there is no human. But all these animal shapes of all of them, are these....keyboard color, they changing all kinds of the color, just like these keyboards, smoothing, mild.

According to Zawanna says, if you let go the human body....

According to Kail says, if you dead, you go to hell, after the hell, you have no more body.....

That is roughly they say.

And I say....there is a record on the digits "1" its those numerical means. To the trillion years evolution, you have 1: trillion

That 1 is a beautiful looking! There is all that is on the upper sphere people do things. You don't care about the hell, you care about that. There is something about sustaining your human body for whichever reasons they meant it in the movies, there is. I just don't know what really meant.

Those rubber 合成 color, like those beaming lights at black, not exactly so blacken, because all these bugs are keep beaming light, you just don't seeing that, so its not all blacken, just loads of all of them.

That is a process to wish them well, and wish them peacefully, and these bugs itself, below it, their are the processor. They are bio+synthetic looking to me. The birds says they are all real like them. its ET keeps them alive, they are hungry, but they gonna duplicated if you feed them. The birds say they are similar to our worlds these you seen things. Feeling, hungry response, or liking or informative, may not be telepathy.

Let's say, you do the bad things, you die, you go to hell. True. But once you finish the hell, where you gonna go? You becoming the Ghosts form, that is what Kail telling me. You have no more form, just no forms so you have a ghost outlook, you use your entire humanity nature you have in this worlds, including you force yourself to smile......because in the ghost worlds, when you meeting and seeing the ghost, just like the Chinese movies, they laughing at you, they mock you, and if you become a children's form, you will know what that means that day on. All the regular news, or some human telling you things about......some troubles they get from the ghost, if were true, it does exist. 

I never seen it, so I cannot tell you. 

But they in chinese called mischief ghost, or your English might have those words too. Very very very very bad attitude, very very bad. They flip your skirt, they smell your below, they licking your face, they do those you never seen things in life ever called the Earth worlds.

That is the ghost real looks, the movies TV just meant one aspect, its worsen.

Where do the ghost live?

Usually where they familiar or attached place.

Kail says familiar, someone else says attached place.

I would say, I am not sure if they lie to me.....because I didn't wish all the human to be that ill, in hell, its not like you keep a ghost form, and living on the beach? But that is what Kail says. 

They live in their own home, but becasue that house belongs to someone, you will get very very very heart taken, so you leave that house, whatever they do inside that house. And when having no more human form to train you, your entire character, well....why do you expect a ghost does in the real life, educating you?

They just do whatever they like and those exaggerating characters will develop more and more and more, becasue its everywhere like that. I think there is something about the ghost realm rules, I just don't know exactly what it is. 

The human body is hard to get.

But we are talking about the ghost studies, plus you only live like below 100 years old. To you, you hear enough people dying dying dying, you practically never think why life must continue, or doing anything worthwhile to keep on living. 

But for the ghost realm, its very scary. Because that is the final judgement, you don't get another form, another body. That is the end.

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