
Do you ...uh....per yearly, how many words you actually opening your mouth, speaking English, or which language this guys are, you talking to them,.....like anyone. Dean, or Justin, exactly per English words count?

Not I have a doubt what you written 30 years the future that things arriving to me now. (Shut up, birds) Do you ever talk to a guy in your native English? Or what language you are from?

A guy, a real human guy, social interaction? Like a friend, or outing, or what does the guy do, you gather yourself, you listen to them, or you talking some words to them, how many per words you listening, to what you really speaking per word English......you prepare yourself each time seeing them, from UB, or.....now you ever talking to them? 

Forget it about the Hollywood, their per human quota interaction not just limited to their present or dead manager (Shut up, birds), per hour, their opening mouth might be longer English sentence speaking of the "respond" right.....they can defend themselves like a human. 

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