
你們是不是想跟我說有人想做耶穌基督的意思? 誰?商鞅那種東西嗎 ? 你們沒有常常覺得這種事情長的很奇怪~? Do you human want to tell me there are human wants to be Jesus? What is his full name in English? That Business Dynasty human spoils women those kinds included? Have you thought.....

他們有這種信仰沒有覺得,如果當年兩千年的每一百年所流傳下來的今天 ....

Do they have a belief system that, if 2000 years ago, for that every 100 years passing down to today....gays or trans-gender = Jesus, one of those candidate, they will be 1000 years all living on the sea, whatever NASA came out of this year or next year.

Victoria Secrets: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u2BV57EEv4g 

French human that is Je


like Asus or Isus? That is Asian Computer

Je in French means = I 

Like I am Anna Je suis Anna


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