
其實我耳朵會痛的 ...全身都是...你們是用槍? 不是雷射? ( Actually, my ears will get hurt....the whole body...you are using guns? not Laser?)

這世界上奇怪的事情就會有東西幾乎長的一樣...那個是人! 喔~~~

This worlds the strangest things will almost all the things looks identical...that is a human! oh ~

那個是真的椅子~我之前沒有真的看到椅子~我大概知道 ! 是 Daniel !

That is a real chair~ before, I didn't really seen the chair~ I roughly know. Its Daniel! 

Zawanna says, "Do you Anna knows which ship did you land on?"

Daniel he is tall. Its not blur, not small tiny, I draw. They use chair too. There is bench, or table, old type of PC head, so they supposed to be tall, him and that Standing guy.

oh ~~~

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