
Before 20 years ago, you want to pretend we are the same age, to that great choices of life and popularity in the school to how we end up here 20 years later?

Why I tell Wing to go find Pearl? It’s you have a conspiracy groups.

Then you have an Ally issues including that Simon Cowell human. You wish me to file a what lawsuit to trust on the women’s right? I did tell you everything about the romance.

20 years including that Diva rebels on the parents, your parents are not human? Heart?

I never say you having a feeling of instability when moving in a 4 beds, then you move back in like the news say? You suppose to know the mood of the Congress not guessing in life, what I say to everyone, you kidnap all. You going out I say you settle that money part, I wish you understand. It was best for him, for the kids education and for every other existing current reasons. Give him spaces, wish him happy. You jail yourself with the career.

You want me to file what lawsuit against that?  I am the lamb of the seal, I cannot open the book now?!

I say to Simon same to that drug dealer Dulexia KR, there are every 20 years bracket in life in 2014. You think they listen ?
That every 20 years we imagine where we end up.
I didn’t hand them my resume that is what I tell you. Loads people end at the senior assistant living 4 grades only in America.
When you get involve to your personal interest, you think twice you were not the teens Top tales for as long as you remember?
No, that’s what you both were.

They have an assignment, you have a love and fame and power interest.
Or they were willful too. You draw a circle of your entire teens age 20 years old, as big as wide as you can in England.
The rest humanity + animal kingdom just starve to death, so you had a one life great what? Life inside?
Really? You imagine I don’t know what that life is about?

They were more trained not that they pretending they know or don’t know. Stand side by side for a cherish to hold was your vow, not some kinds of European culture starting their mother? 

Without romance, you 2 don’t hold up ages, I can see it right on the TV, it’s written already in the OU language the second part, you read it, at Eben?

There are the worse things happen in the worlds where …I have nothing to say about these anymore. Your England didn’t have to show up my peripheral right on the movies to say the external factors, that verdict will be, you push the map of OU under the water and come back up, acid. See how great a true billion dollar Franchaise exactly what I mean, go to hell with it. 

My faces it’s base upon the karmic factor, not the external factors.

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