
16 years pass...the reality your parents only need you to leave, they have no more themselves methods....for the memory loss due to those retirement year 65 are true. And none of you are in my mother's program, .....or else you will find out.

Your side of human are losing it.....every single day.

Without a strength.

Its Yoga jumping up and down included. Every morning.

And while they admit you all girls program on height to the IQ equip, for every 16 years loss, you don't go back or Go to West.....

I already personally telling Dean that....its all kills your height in girls number

If that make up mock up 7....how many times he dies.

He knew the girls number? 

When you going back to your country, you will have the IQ exactly like your height.

But...in America land, you already know your height issues its always permanent.

Mine its a killing order like Square like Irene.

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