
You want to create a yeast or e-coli? ! What is the difference? E-coli is a bacteria....how you had taken probiotic....for your colon health

Ascending colon, transcending colon and descending colon, and the last part of the...rectum? 直腸!

If you create a periodic table, do you have to be able to answer all those questions?

You mean the chemistry periodic table, you reading the Wiki? I think that is how they started. Long time ago, those era, don't have light, you have a candle. You use a coal mine, so everywhere the air are blacken, the situation of that 18th century industrial revolution, its everywhere blacken smoky.

In order to get the government attention, they move especailly to the economic location that most human at = City, or Metropolitan today define.

Sea Ports, big Ports.

Does ET uses a computer?

Old type of computer, I didn't really see it, the actual what they staring at. They might be in the old technology of ....THAT bulky stuffs 1997.


I think their finger might be very very long. Like those Last dynasty of those women's tradition, long long long nail. I didn't see it in the video, I tell you what I see.

Do they really eating Tim Cook's Energy bar?

I think with the wrapping paper 3/4 its on the wall. I think they know what is an energy bar.

Its a pink some blue...not my energy bar. Probably also ending on the wall. Luna White Macademia, you know what is the Chinese translation? Its Haiwaii Hard Shell Fruits.

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