
You know that Facebook Mark went to Harvard to deliver the speech. Sometimes you taken all the University are bad, but they recruits some of the bright people...and those finish their study, they are the bad people?

So I did listening to those whom did something in the Harvard next by his speech. Sometimes you pay attention to that, so I happened to do those Ancient Chinese Literacy from that Chinese little kids little monk on the Web 2.0.

People in this 6+1, you know, there are trend on those University faulty included to the clinical trial, local implementation. Not everything as I seen to know if they are real or not real, but I pay attention to certain things?

Do you want to re-defined, what you really like? Do you like to be like Wing standing in the middle of America, to standing on the University platform to deliver a lecture? That was his job?

Do you like to teach, do you like the University name, do you like their University resources, do you like the professors as the friends, do you find that environment supportive? Some human has a thing about if they hear anything about "Academia", it will NEVER be VOLA enough for them, so they go to the consumer market, or the Wall Street, or ending up the underground fighting?

Are you like that?

So if you are neither, don't you sitting down on your desk, what exactly you like? Humantarian, shopping, medical, laws, debating forum, economic statues analysis? Meaning the chart, the math, the indicators digits that factors out the thinking pattern, that is the job you like to do? To analyze the economic growth to the next 20 to 40 years the popular trend to the jobs seekers, they do those Youtuber Silicon Valley a lot, don't you listen to? 

The medical workers, the hospital workers, they have the benefit?

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