
๐Ÿค๐Ÿค๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ“๐Ÿฅญ๐Ÿ’– You hate this friend, but you didn't really want to do the TV meant you to do ๐Ÿค๐Ÿค๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ“๐Ÿฅญ๐Ÿ’–

You cannot follow that TV as the trend, becasue you didn't grow to that mature things that allow you to say, you walk out the house never return.

Now, these girls you hate, and you can just buddy together to join each other writing schematic Google Blogger below those comment area. Meaning a genuine comment each other article, what you say that day.  You have to find the people willing to input a comment on that Google Blogger, to every posts you write, you know where to look?

When you buddy enough best friend, you helping each other on that sense, you gonna say, its too flashy, you don't really help that one friend in this group? You cannot hate your every customer base line, when you grow up a niche, or your public speaking beyond that one book you write, or 10 books Dr. Steven writes? He went to somewhere to get his Ph.D?

You feeling something when you talking to him, you feeling something when you talking to yourself on the Ipad camera? Where is that gadget that Anna design? Your Ipad standing up?

You make a 10 list per weekly, how you stand, what you stand to that mirror in front of you how you talk loud. So when your manner and the air becomes more that public people its an approachable thing to you, you make a small gathering crowd to withstand that pressure, some human faces you see, you just cannot breath on it.

Many people cannot breath on it, but they are shaping up that skills because they have to become dependable and some jobs can drop on them.

Or you decide you write a book, and hide behind, one book becomes your 20 millions dollar one future outcome? You don't like to see the author hiding behind, you yourself willing to hide behind, so whom you are with?

I mean whom you are with in the relationship you taken a photo on your facebook?

You have a book, you gonna do a conference talk to invite the media people on the desk, to whom all these buddies girls you hate, you ever wish they show up? 

So you still wish to hide behind on one book? How many copy you wish that you hate everyone, and someone will pick up a book, what you written in there so interests when the books business its online, just flood that one bookmark website? You can get any book there, or join the Google Library?



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