
You girls listen when you get up....if you cannot stand those guys, you tell them now, including all the stuffs no hidden. Because they can solve all things from that anything story plots having you in it

In this one Earth situation, because most of the Business Connection of the jobs offering goes to the guys, they tend to be more successful in their jobs. They are. You have to one day working with them collaboration in order to say, some effect on that paycheck. You have to get a governmental testing to get in one of those jobs.

Those are the most stable situation.

Me, becasue I like what I do, I keep doing it, like inventing feeling, invention, I always been laying back, and just let my brain random on those moment in the air, I really having those feeling, that is how I started. 

I didn't plan on my life to that every step, as that TV showing up, "other than" the current situation. You cannot get the help from me, becasue you suppose to be the one lending me the help. That is your realistic world views ought to be. Anna I made an easy all saying to making you feel better, but those things are not real.

The TV did meant to tell you every Truth what kinds of life in here, out there meant...but the System design, doesn't care about your paycheck, they care about your health indicator, and your happiness, and never put a 400 millions stabs on someone. 

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