
You all missing ASMR, or I didn't watch it anymore?

Most time they put on my Youtube, recently I don't have time watching it.

Yesterday I saw the cooking. She puts a different background so I look at it.


I tell you, most people don't go out after 9 to 5, in between 11-1 you have errand people running around. Most people are bound to work, so if you go to the restaurant or somewhere places, you seeking your love attention, or gym, or what....

Like I said, Lalla she is very free zone. 

All this workers, what you define you seeing them.....they look at you from the buttom to Top. You know what I am saying? 

Freelance job, people know what that words are. Its called 自由業

Some people will find out if you have a job or not. Many Youtuber are free zone, working whenever they wanted.

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