
You 4 have a family member right now, to where you 4 applying through that movie Tiny 4.0 楊冪 to saying why you are all required to build on wheel, or....why you are so against the container boxes with Wei Singapore, through that movie TV

That is 5 of you having a little community, you see which country putting you somewhere for that project?! It doesn't matter it works out or not, you applying for something existing real in front of you.

Some of this idea are eco-friendly. I technically don't live near by you, I can get somewhere in this city, where with my mother. She might want her own happy living quarter whatever that is.

I can put a container boxes right next to your land.

These Tiny House, (Tiny 4.0.....Web 2.0 are the technology, You can even calling that National Archive guards, or human or the offices for some lending hands, you all minority girls.)

You line up your own interested how to work up living alone to that house.

To understand this community, in case its just imagination. You have a land, someone lending fee your land, for you to put a wheel on Top. Like this guy says, many country this Tiny home are not legal.

I putting my house next by, in case 6 of us get line up....I won't be living that house, for a demo to sound like I vocation there, for you all every 6 months, to spell your own happy furniture, see if Chinese Ancient saying 循序漸進 Gradual progress makes a hasty....you will realize what you purchasing to what degree of the humility running deep. 

MD Comments: Each country to which these TV got issues, have a legal right to sue, meaning their own democracy debates at the court room. To when that finished, its not you and I knowing that.

MD Comments 2: Tiny House have things people do before you, meaning you learn some experience by listening to what they say, seeing what they do.

MD Comment 3: I will have own places, I look after that my mother, or to where they move that nick. His condition might be more than that....whatever you understand.

MD Comment 4: When I saying things putting next by, or you all ever get together to seeing, why they say you do, they suggest you do....its not all that vola you saying you leaving your family. You could just be nice to each other as if on the background no one knows you are all the Beauty and the Beast. But the things are, you are not all used to without your family. Your direct line up near by. Those things are not the small villege, friends, or situation. They will investigate one by one. 

MD Comment 5: You want me to put it back your Pinterests photo, to where we delete these Girls Album, or your own collection of the junks in the house starting first? Re-design your Tiny Home again and again, think with your own head? Learn from your dad, your uncle, your whom around, they opening up their mouth? You have anything else to do?

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