
Where I have been? My trajectory life?

I graduate from UB, working immediately after for 6 months, lab Chromosome, next Summer I got in the MLS, I didn't lose a year, so I starting MLS 2 years. Nick happened next by.

I create a Organic Chemistry Youtube, for that the server side, I used a paid service, not Google Blogger at that time, my statistic counter, has so funny weird things, what you saying this Youtube strive high mark on their viewing clicks. 

Mine were conducting per month, on one page only.  60,000, 80,000...120,000

The funny thing they never click any other page, I keep changing the art form....all my UB facebook must saw it....can someone to be that stupid keep changing the buttom forms. No one clicking on it. One day Khan black board show up,...one day I graduate, one year immediately after was my grandmom their inheritance fight 2010.

China expo

I came back pay off the loans, staying 2011, your Love of Century, and 2011 summer, I break through that gallballder your Venus explosion tale on TV. Those video its what you left to see to Public. The biggest points of my entire situation that time. I got a job from helping Erin Ph.D a pilot study to the later study, all the way to 2012, by the ending comes, I already eating the instant noodle with the dead women corpse body in the dissection lab on China monitor. They digging a grave.

So one year you shut down SMTV 2012 beginning of the year, remember? No that would be I am still working on the UB paycheck time, to when I saw Berny first time, last time....June, me and nick gone to a Walsh and his kid Austin seminar, for me seeing.....human, we passying by Loving Hut.

That end year, I break through what I need. Maybe fall season or winter season for sure, I was busy....TYG was announcing in Feb 2013, I already borrow a piano 10 years don't touch an instrument, I change some piano or editing some notes, I prepare about several things on the music scores, did I gone to nick twice ....Simon has a baby in June, conceive....so I submit their 5th week, Summer, we have a Art sale on Pinterest, by August or Sep, I will be at Tina's helping package, or me and Charlie on 256 lights demo.

Oct, we gone to California, its all hellish life completely horrible every life, kids life....never ending fighting, I cannot breath.

2013, you become OU, I land to finish that AGT, March came....I cannot stop running that Google Plus til this time now, its everything on the America Congress the last 10 years where I have been.

Not before.... 

Organic Chemistry channel I was made to make that to make money, but I can tell you....strange things all around, I only staying in the UB jobs, almost every paychecks its here after....I never apply a real job outside, until UB 2020, my mother told me.

Now I see, its the Silicon Valley guy Youtube did....no, I didn't do all those things, I cannot leave Taiwan, I can smell that ?????! But I am sure he knows what he is saying, I gone to many interviews. 


Tina will go to hell, you know that?

Everyday I was so scared, every single day....that happens everything no one can live a life.

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