
When you are home at the weekend, you prepare a lot of things less than your stressful jobs, meaning you take care of your living space.

If you bought a property, you live in it, you have to fix it, clean it, and too tired, you eat something light, and go to sleep.

As a girl, more works than the guys, you have to bath, shower, and things you do, you have spent times and hours reading those shampoo label where I got them I like the fragment.

Technically the guys may never care about those things, but be determined you are one person alone living, have you thought you will truly getting a lot of things done, alone? Or with your parents help still now?

A load of laundry 

A pile of Bath Towel

A sink facet to fix it

A lot of house maintanese, you call the guys coming and fix it all

You file some paper works for the tax season, file for other reasons? You are not me?

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