


I used to did say to you a several time on this....you married to a police man or a fireman in your tiny zone, their paycheck small tiny.

One fire event, on burning down your entire house, you are not home, or your pet home...one of those. You think those things don't happen. It does happen.

As a Girl 1: You know what was yesterday 雞毛毯子? It will never be the first entry ever again on cigerrate right on your hand, that was for the dusty in Taiwan.

Most people seeing a girl as the beauty representation. True, to every precepts ought to be. The substance, including the smoke. Like you mean it, all the guys should go to hell, that kind. Well, if they taken those substance, correct, they can just send themselves to hell, no matter what. As a girl, a proper conduct, a learn structural of your life....not pamp at.

As a Girl 2: The guys' perspective. You thinking all these great model doing, same to that SMCH jailed human from Taiwan most religious practice (The Entire Asia) on a proper legal term 斂財、宗教斂財 what you believing it how a guy seeing you or a girl seeing you are a different degree these runway means to you. Its all false.

It will be more like a girl seeing you, rather than the guy ever seeing you doing all that included. Sometimes the guy's personality its more like you say, so mild and timid. You wish to gain a territory on the money jobs, so you train yourself on the verbal talks.

That is every girl wishing that. You just never asking me what you ought to be wish, and what these perception you run on your first life, to every eternal life you reach.....

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