
We had a very very bad incident on the road, someone got off the jail, he killed 2 police man in Taiwan News. (You have a wish to be a freelance job)

Very cruelsome way. Immediately.

You are planning your career as if all these Great Big Fame name of the Youtuber, their success were your imagination, you could get free from what its your minimum wage in the United States to say outside 9 to 5 pm.

You know the traffic hours?


You imagine your holding a plastic card to get on this American Malls in shopping at the time you are not home, which its....you having a what property, that allows you to going outside the world, once you gain your financial success? So along this same thought, you wish to finding a Romance love in the mall, not the car maintainese places.....you seeing any human Annca will die young keep eating at night after 11 oclock. That is when he got off his works. The sale's man. 

So at that time, once you succeed, you finding out, it was a big lie, no one its on the road other than Adam and Hailey or Cat women Lalla....those kinds, you realize that was a freedom going out seeing whom you had a hope? 

Someone as the mall sale's man only opens after 1 oclock, and no one wondering inside the mall. You have to find a handsome great perfect guy, tell me his background, a little bit about himself, and you will explain to me, this Real Love, day in day out you praying for, it was in the timezone of 9 to 5 in the mall, what guys are that?

Eben Pagan?

Last time I check, he has a schedule on his tea leave with his virtual coach programs, he supposes to be home mentoring whomever sign up.

You wishing to meeting a guy like him, you checking where exactly he lived at? And his neighbor, or all these Hollywood AD open doors, where are they exactly, you driving there to take over the entire Hollywood Hill, and see, one human opens a door, talking to you?


Age range from 22-65, most people have to devote something in that 401 K America, or some kind of the health package in case something what what what.....save for the raining day. Including me in Taiwan. I have to find a way to survive, I have everything jam up on my desk.

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Re-set 5 schematic minds set you had, to get what you want. Real Love and Loving the Silent Tear, seeing if you get it right your premise, starting from the beginning, not after why you working it so hard, and everything looks that moment you finding it out, no one its on the streets, you finding your mate.


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